Monday, May 06, 2013


I do not know what to do. Lord, what would You have me do? I am reminded of people who had a similar problem in second Chronicles chapter twenty.

"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."
~2 Chronicles 20:12
In this chapter the king told his people: "Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; sing and praise and say, "Give thanks to the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever.""

And this is what God said to them: "Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God's. You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed."

Lord, help me to believe; let me sing and praise and give thanks to You. And let me hear You say, "You will not need to fight in this battle."... because You fight for me.

I do not know what to do. But my eye are on You...


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