Monday, September 09, 2013


Ta daaa! This is post number 100. Well, I never thought that I would write that many. It's not that I have a lot to say, it's God and His goodness and I can't see anything more fitting than recalling just that.

"I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I will show forth (recount and tell aloud)
all Your marvelous works and wonderful deeds!"
~Psalm 9:1 AMP

Lord, I want to thank You that You practice steadfast love, justice, and righteousness.

Thank You for Your glory, Your great splendor and magnificence.

Thank You for fighting our battles for us; our eyes are on You.

Thank You that You are my chosen and assigned portion, my cup; for holding and maintaining my lot. Thank You for choosing us.

Thank You for abiding in us, when we love one another.

Thank You that nothing shall separate us from Your love.

Thank You for mothers.

Thank You for being known by You, being recognized as worthy of Your intimacy and love, being owned by You.

Thank You for manifesting Yourself in us expressing what Your grace has done in us.

Thank You for showing Your love for us, while we were still sinners, You died for us. Thank You that there is nothing we could do to make You love us more; nothing we have done that makes You love us less.

Thank You that we can do all things through You.

Thank You for healing my friend.

Thank You for sending Your Son.

Thank You for giving us a new heart, new spirit, removing the heart of stone from our flesh.

Thank You for encouragement.

Thank You for others willing to carry my burdens.

Thank You for adopting me, for saving me, for forgiving me, for freeing me, for making me Your daughter.

Thank You for growing us in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank You that You turn to me, hear me, answer me, when I cry, according to Your abundant mercy.

Thank You that Your truth sets us free.

Thank You that You came so we may have life and have it abundantly.

Thank You for touching my pain; so it goes away.

Thank You that You give and take away; blessed be Your name.

Thank You for David and his inspiring "I will" statements.

Thank You for the rising sun; for Your mercies that are new every morning.

Thank You for setting me free.

Thank You that You are the King of Kings.

Thank You that Your love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.

Thank You for Abraham's faith.

Thank You that You make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Thank You for blessing my friend with a child - boy!

Thank You for turning our mourning into joy; comforting us and giving us gladness for sorrow.

Thank You that our place, home is with You.

Thank You for the Promised Land.

Thank You for delivering us.

Thank You for fathers. For being our Father, merciful - perfect.


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