Monday, November 04, 2013

In Him

As my P40 journey is nearing the end, the journey is not over. I need to remember not to get discouraged in living and releasing my art; not thinking that I am wasting my time; resist the urge to disrespect a task because it doesn’t feel important; not to resist living within my ordinary days; and to become more fully myself for the glory of God. The following words of Emily Freeman are sadly so familiar to me but are here to help me remember. 

Here are eight statements we say to ourselves that may be keeping us from living and releasing our art:
  1. I'm not cut out for this.
  2. Someone else can do it better.
  3. People might not like it.
  4. I have nothing to offer.
  5. I hate my calling.
  6. It's a waste of time.
  7. It's too much work.
  8. Who do you think you are?
You know there is an art alive within you and the work you do to uncover it is not a waste of time. You are an image bearer and that is not about you becoming famous or important or promoted but about you becoming more fully yourself for the glory of God.

You may not be the first to say it, write it, create it, or believe it--but you saying it may be the first time someone finally hears.

Pay attention to when you use the word just. Because whatever comes after that word is usually where you’re allowing the art to die.

When we resist living within our ordinary days, we are in danger of losing a sense of ourselves. We don't need to walk away from our routines and daily rhythms to find something more interesting. More often we need to wake up to them.

Lord, may we live like artists rather than technicians, admitting that we are not in control, we may not have the answers, and our lives no longer belong to us. May we show up this day the same way we did the day we were born, with empty hands and an instinct to depend on someone bigger than ourselves. From now till the end.

"In him we live and move and have our being."
~Acts 17:28a


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