Monday, March 25, 2013

Beloved (1)

It was couple of months before I celebrated my Sweet Sixteen; sixteen years of being the daughter of the Most High God when I was given a handkerchief with my initials and the word "beloved" on it; handkerchief that started my process of believing (in my heart) and transforming.

Pink handkerchief with the word beloved

My inability to change or sustain the life I wanted to live was "killing me softly". I would not like myself because of the failures I was experiencing, so it was hard to actually believe that I am beloved. How could that be? How could God love me? I did not like myself. I failed to accept God's judgment on the old me. My old self is crucified with Christ. The old sin nature was judged, found guilty, crucified, died, was buried. I am now a new creation. Created in the likeness and righteousness of God. My self-worth was not established in my new identity in Jesus. That which is in my spirit, all that God has done was not reality in my life. I created a false god. I could never be happy; there was always something. I was not living under grace. 

Next came this song:

In the mirror all I see, 
 Is who I don't wanna be, 
Remind me who I am. 
In the loneliest places, 
When I can't remember what grace is.

Tell me once again who I am to you. 
Who I am to you.
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you.  
That I belong to you.
To you.

 When I can't receive your love,
Afraid I'll never be enough,
Remind me to I am.
 If I'm your beloved,
Can you help me to believe it.

I'm the one you love,
I'm the one you love,
That will be enough,
I'm the one you love.
~Not complete lyrics 

It was after I believed in my heart that God loves me that I am HIS BELOVED that I started to change and I could believe it because it was no longer my life, but my life through Jesus.

" For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."
~Colossians 3:3

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
~Galatians 2:20

Lord, we are your beloved; help us to believe it.


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