Friday, April 12, 2013

My all in all

Lord, it's these words that I need to read, that I need to speak, that I need to hear today. To correct my thinking, my vision as I am fixing my eyes on You this day. I adopted these words from a life-changing book I read:

"Jesus' yoke becomes easy when I allow Him to do the work and simply walk along beside Him. When He does the work, I am drawn into a close, loving, appreciative dependency on Him. Because I am dependent on Him, He becomes the source of my praise. He becomes the source of my life. My thoughts, actions, and attitudes revolve around Him. Jesus Himself becomes the focal point of this life and eternity. Before men, I acknowledge Him for His grace, love, and mercy. Before God, He becomes my source of confidence, peace, joy, and praise. Apart from the grace of the Lord Jesus, I can never come into the all-consuming personal relationship the Bible calls for. However, in the fullness of His grace, He becomes my all in all."

Jesus, I depend on You. I acknowledge You for Your grace, love and mercy. Be my source of confidence, peace, joy, and praise. Be my all in all.

"For He [the Father] has put all things
 in subjection under His [Christ’s] feet.
But when it says, All things are put in subjection
 [under Him], it is evident that He [Himself]
is excepted Who does the subjecting of all things to Him.
However, when everything is subjected to Him,
then the Son Himself will also subject Himself to [the Father]
Who put all things under Him, so that God may be all in all
[be everything to everyone, supreme,
the indwelling and controlling factor of life]."
~1 Corinthians 15:27,28 AMP


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