Thursday, May 02, 2013


I "discovered" this verse last October and just read it again. I remember how excited I was to find it back then. It told me what glorifies God and I felt that it is something I can do. So that's why the delight.

"The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me;"
~Psalm 50:23

Yay! I know what glorifies God! Something Paul is asking of us often. Thanksgiving.

"...everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made."
~Isaiah 43:7

We were created for God's glory. We were created to give glory to God.

Lord, thank You for loving us. Thank You for Jesus, for enduring the cross for us, for saving us, for interceding for us. Thank You for the Holy Spirit, for strengthening us, for guiding us, for leading us.

Thank You for my husband and children. For my family and friends.

Thank You that we are Your beloved.

Thank You that we are the Apple of Your eye.

Thank You for setting us free.

Thank You for redeeming us.

Thank You for making us unique.

Thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Thank You that nothing compares to the promise we have in You.

Thank You that we shall be like You.

Thank You for offering Your yoke to us.

Thank You for being our all in all.

Thank You that we will receive the crown of life, when we remain steadfast under trial.

Thank You for being our hope.

Thank You for removing our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west.

Thank You that Your steadfast love never ceases, that Your mercies never come to an end.

Thank You that Your grace is greater than all of our wrong choices; that You understand and sympathize with us, that we can fearlessly, confidently, and boldly draw near to the throne of grace.

Thank You that You keep Your promises.

Thank You for my Faithful Five and their encouragement.

Thank You that You uphold the universe by the word of Your power.

Thank You for making a place for us.

Thank You that You satisfy us with Your love.

Thank You that there is nothing greater than grace; for strengthening us by grace.

Thank You that You have a plan to prosper us and to give us hope; that You care for us.

Thank You for the race that was set before us.

And Lord, thank You for the cherry tree.
Lord, I offer this thanksgiving as a sacrifice. May You be glorified!


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