Sunday, May 19, 2013


It was in the beginning of 2010 when I "discovered" this group called Tenth Avenue North as their song "By Your Side" was playing often... "why are you still searching, as if I'm not enough..."

I visited their site and learned about their songs as they shared the story, meaning behind the music in video journals, which I enjoyed greatly. As I was listening to them again yesterday, I came across this one from their album The Struggle called Worn:

And I know that You can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That You can mend a heart that's frail and torn...

 and the video journal:

It's not your circumstances that needs to change, it's you.

Our God is a God who brings beauty out of pain
Our God is a God who brings art out of chaos
He brings life out of death even His own Son

If He can bring redemption out of the most horrific act that has ever happened then maybe just maybe redemption is waiting in a wings for you and me.
Lord, I can testify to that. That everytime I went through something hard I never liked it, but I was always glad and thankful when You "brought me to the other side" and opened my eyes so I could see...
Lord, help us! Help us not to look to our circumstances, but to what You are doing in us, through us.

Lord, it's a struggle. But we are not struggling to be free, we are free to struggle. In Christ there is a freedom to fail and there is a freedom to change. There is forgiveness for our sin and there is liberty from our sin. (M. Donehey)
It's a struggle. Life in general. It sometimes wears one out. But it's okay. It's okay to be worn. Lord, let our weariness create habitual use of Your grace and reliance on YOU. Change the meaning in our minds to "wear" - let us prevail by persistence, overcome, for we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us (Romans 8:37); because we can, we can do all things through You. May we confess that for ourselves as Paul did:

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
~Philippians 4:13


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