Sunday, May 19, 2013


It is with great joy that I would like to report what I just found out today which is that my friend who had the Bells Palsy I wrote about in the Welcome post is HEALED!

Praise God!
Thank You, Lord for healing my friend.

I want to have it as a special post to make a "big deal", to know that GOD IS OUR HEALER. And He promises to heal us. What an encouragement that is today. I am excited and want to put this down, so I can have another post just like this one. I am calling forth healing of my faithful friend's mom who has lyme disease (Please pray; cannot wait to post her healing date) and believing God's promise!

"For I will restore health to you,
and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord"
~Jeremiah 30:17a

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