Monday, May 27, 2013


MMM = Major Memorial Monday

I call today Major Memorial Monday.

I call it "Major" because it's not just ordinary one, but major (greater in importance) one for me. Two in a row. I like this pattern. Lord, I am still amazed at what happened last Monday. It's major because of the way God spoke to me through a life changing message I heard today and for the "major" changes I feel it's going to bring. And because it goes with the other M's in today's holiday - Memorial Day and today's day - Monday.

I call it "Memorial" because today is a Memorial Day and because of what I found out on the word means, as one of the entries said: something serving as a remembrance; involving memory; serving to preserve the memory of the dead or past event.

I call it "Monday" because today is Monday and because I like the M in Monday to complete and reinforce the M's in the two other words to make it a perfect collection of three M's.

Yes, today is a Memorial Day, a day of remembrance, remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

But I would like this Monday to be also a day when I expel the past events in my life that caused me pain and the lies it brought, the messages it came with; to remember not to let it "hurt" me any longer. To help me resolve it with the Lord and expose it to the "Light" where God can work. May the message I heard serve as a remembrance of the truth.

"...and you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."
~John 8:32

Jesus, help me to know the truth.

Lord, thank You. Thank You for making this Monday a day to remember. A day when You spoke to me and I "saw" the TRUTH.


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